Africando - 2013 - Viva Africando
[Português] A salsa já a muitos anos, que perdoem os cubanos, é uma música de domínio público. Muitas regiões do mundo adotaram o gênero e diria que algumas até incorporaram as culturas locais criando novas sonoridades. É comum hoje escutar essa salsa multicultural, e interessante é que no caso da África, países como Senegal, Congo, Mali entre outros que adotaram a salsa, se pensarmos bem, receberam de volta um filho desgarrado, pois a matriz africana que foi para as Américas voltou para casa, com roupa nova, mas na essência ela esta lá pulsante como sempre foi. Um ótimo exemplo disso é a lendária banda senegalesa Africando, grupo surgido no ano de 1992 com a ideia de unir músicos de salsa radicados em Nova Iorque com cantores do Senegal. Os diversos disco do Africando são todos muito bons e cheios de energia. Desde 2006 o grupo não lançava novo projeto, este de 2013 chamado "Viva Africando" vem mais uma vez brindar o público com uma salsa ao tempero africano. Entre as diversas participações, a música "Africa Es "Tribute to Africando"" do pianista Oscar Hernández trás a excelente Spanish Harlem Orchestra em um super swing afro cubano.
[English] For many years the salsa, excuse the Cubans, is a public domain music. Many regions of the world have adopted the genre and say that some have been incorporated by local cultures creating new sounds. It is common today to hear this multicultural salsa, and interesting is that in the case of Africa, countries such as Senegal, Congo, Mali and others who adopted the salsa, if you think about it, received back a wandering child, because the African origin who went to the Americas came home, with new clothes, but she's there Escencia pulsating as ever. A great example is the legendary Senegalese band Africando, a group emerged in 1992 with the idea of joining salsa musicians based in New York with Senengal singers. The various albuns of Africando are all very good and full of energy. Since 2006 the group had not released new project, this 2013 called "Viva Africando" come again toasting the audience with a salsa with African spice. Among the various holdings, the song "Es Africa" Tribute to Africando "" by Oscar Hernandez behind the excellent Spanish Harlem Orchestra in a super Afro-Cuban swing.

01. Deni Sabali (Amadou Ballake´) 4.13

03. Doundari (Sekouba Bambino) 4.14
04. Xam Sa Bop (James Gadiaga) 4.59
05. Es Para Ti Gnonnas (Boncana Maiga) 4.08
06. En Vacances (Gerard Dupervil) 5.11
07. Maria Mboka (Dalienst Ntesa) 4.10
08. Ma Won Mio (Jos Spinto) 5.13
09. Yen Djiguengny (Pascal Dieng) 6.09

11. Destino (Raymond Fernandes) 5.24
12. Boure´ Yaye´ Diama
(Medoune Diallo) 5.11
13. Africa Es "Tribute to Africando" (Oscar Hernández) 5.43

Amadou Ballake´ - vocal on track 1
Bassirou Sarr - vocal on track 2
kouba Bambino - vocal on track 3
James Gadiaga - vocal on track 4
Jos Spinto - vocal on track 5, 8
Shoubou - vocal on track 6
Lokombe - vocal on track 7
Pascal Dieng - vocal on track 9
Rene Cabral - vocal on track 10
Raymond Fernandes - vocal on track 11
Medoune Diallo - vocal on track 12
Ray De La Paz - vocal on track 13
Piano - Oscar Hernández
Joe Rivera - trumpet
Doug Beavers - trombone
Eddie Zervignon - flute on track 10
Dizzy Mandjeku - guitar on “Maria Mboka”
Omar Sow - guitar on “Bouré Yayé Diama”
Samuel Ruiz Aleman - baby bass
Pedro Pardo - bass
Dembel Diop - bass on “Bouré Yayé Diama”
Tio Bay - djembe, sabar on “Bouré Yayé Diama”
Geraldo Rosales - congas, bongos, guiro
Luisito Quintero - timbales, bongos
On track 13 "Africa Es "Tribute to Africando”" with Spanish Harlem Orchestra
Oscar Hernández - piano, MD & arranger
Ray De La Paz - lead vocal
Marco Bermudez - backing vocal
Luisito Quintero - timbales
George Delgado - congas
Jorge Gonzalez - bongos
Hector Colon - trumpet
Manuel Ruiz - trumpet
Reynaldo Jorge - trombone
Doug Beavers - trombone
Hector «Maximo» Rodriguez - bass
Elvis Ponce Ramos - backing vocals
Miguel Gomez - backing vocals
Fabio Deldongo - backing vocals
Yasvani Quiros - backing vocals
Nyboma & Lutchiana Demingogo - backing vocals on “Maria Mboka”
Fabio Deldongo on tracks 1, 6 e 7
Nelson Hernandez on track 2
Boncana Maïga on tracks 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 e 12
Miguel Gomez on track 9
Oscar Hernández on track 13
Recorded in:
Bamako - Studio Bogolan Union
New Jersey - Skylight Studio by Guido Diaz
Paris - Studio Do Soul & Studio Omega by Hubert Salou
Dakar - Studio Thomas Sankara for “Bouré Yayé Diama”
Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 by Sterns Music Publ. Ltd.
Track 10 by Universal Music Publ./International MBG Ltd./EMI Music Publishing Ltd. / Bourne Music Ltd.
Track 13 by Taino Music BMI.
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