Folk jazz
[Portuguê] Dentro da tendência global de novas fronteiras para o jazz, esta postagem é dedicada ao Folk/Etno Jazz. O jazz ao longo de sua história sempre mostrou uma grande capacidade de mutação, de abertura e disposição a união com novos elementos. Nessa necessidade de novas formas de expressão, mais recente na história do jazz, tem ocorrido um fenômeno muito interessante, a aproximação as formas musicais tradicionais e folclóricas de culturas e nações diversas. Essa associação das raízes étnicas com o jazz, tem produzido músicas de muita originalidade, como mostrado em alguns exemplos que seguem.
[English] Within the global trend of new frontiers for jazz, this post is dedicated to Folk / Ethno Jazz. The jazz throughout its history has always shown a great ability to mutate, openness and willingness to union with new elements. This need for new forms of expression, most recent in the history of jazz, there has been a very interesting phenomenon, the approach to traditional musical forms and folk cultures and different nations. This association of ethnic roots with jazz, has produced songs much originality, as shown in some examples below.

[E] Avishai Cohen Trio (Israel / USA) is formed by three young musicians in contemporary jazz, formed by band leader and Israeli Avishai Cohen on acoustic bass and voice, and the North American Sam Barsh on piano and Mark Guiliana on drums. Avishai Cohen in addition to his solo career, has worked with big names in the jazz scene as Chick Corea, Bobby McFerrin, Roy Hargrove, Herbie Hancock, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Nnenna Freelon and Paquito D'Rivera, among others. At solo career, the jazz is the guideline, but to do connects with Israeli music, like beautiful music El Hatzipor (To the Bird).
Karim Ziad (Argélia) é compositor, baterista, cantor, entre outros instrumentos. Músico muito criativo, faz um jazz argelino contemporâneo com fortes elementos do folclore. As músicas postadas representar bem o trabalho de Karim, são "Alouhid" do disco Ifrikiya de 2000 e "Selmani Part" 1 do disco Dawi de 2006.
[E] Karim Ziad (Algeria) is a composer, drummer, singer, among other instruments. Very creative musician, to do na Algerian contemporary jazz with strong folk elements. The songs posted well represent the Karim's work, are "Alouhid" from CD Ifrikiya (2000) and Selmani Part 1, from compact disc Dawi (2006).
Fawzi Chekili (Tunísia) Natural da cidade de Kelibia, é guitarrista mas também experimenta com o piano e o oud. Possui oito discos, o primeiro de 1976 e o último em 2005. Malouf Funk é do disco Taqasim de 1994, composições entre o jazz contemporâneo, smooth jazz e a atmosfera do norte da África.
[E] Karim Ziad (Algeria) is a composer, drummer, singer, among other instruments. Very creative musician, to do na Algerian contemporary jazz with strong folk elements. The songs posted well represent the Karim's work, are "Alouhid" from CD Ifrikiya (2000) and Selmani Part 1, from compact disc Dawi (2006).
A Armenian Navy Band (Armênia) produz uma música de forte colorido, avant-guarde avant-guarde folk, com uma sonoridade diversificada que usa as tradições armênias e da Anatólia fundidas com elementos de diferentes experiências musicais, entre elas o jazz. O grupo tem como os principal pilar o músico, compositor, percussionista, cantor, multi-instrumentista Arto Tunçboyaciyan, e a peça fundamental do tecladista e compositor Vahagn Hayrapetyan. As duas músicas selecionadas são "Let's Try a New Road" e "Look at Your Forehead" do disco "How Much Is Yours" de 2006.
[E] The Armenian Navy Band (Armenia) produces a strong colored music, avant-guarde folk, with a sound that uses diverse traditions and Armenian Anatolia fused with elements of different musical experiences, including jazz. The group have that principal pillars the musician, composer, percussionist, singer, multi-instrumentalist Arto Tunçboyaciyan, and the keyboardist and composer Vahagn Hayrapetyan. The two selected songs are "Let's Try a New Road "and" Look at Your Forehead "disc" How Much Is Yours "2006.

[E] Fawzi Chekili (Tunisia) Natural from Kelibia City, the guitarist that also experiment piano and oud, has eight albums. The first in 1976 and the last 2005, the sample music is "Malouf's Funk", album Taqasim (1994), one composition between contemporary jazz, smooth jazz and atmosphere of North África.
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