O blog Modus Vivendi é um site cultural que tem como única intenção compartilhar o acervo musical que o blogger possui com pessoas interessadas em música. As publicações deste site são apresentadas nas formas de postagem de discos individuais, através de postagens temáticas, ou coletâneas de discos montadas pelo blog. As imagens utilizadas para ilustrar os artigos e postagens são, na maioria das vezes, extraídas da internet. Caso alguém ou algum artista se sinta ofendido com a divulgação de discos, imagens e comentários, por favor entre em contato com o blogger Modus Vivendi pelo e-mail modusvivendiblogspot@gmail.com que o conteúdo será removido do site.

The Modus Vivendi blog is a cultural site whose the only intention is to share the music collection of the blogger with people interested in music. The site publications are presented in forms of posting of individual albuns, through thematic posts, or albuns collections mounted by the blog. The images used to illustrate the articles and albuns displayeds are most often taken from the internet. If someone or some artist feels offended by the disseminating of records, images and comments, please contact the blogger Modus Vivendi by the e-mail modusvivendiblogspot@gmail.com that content will be removed from the site.

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2016

Bob Womack

Bobby Womack - 1981 - The Poet

[Português] Bob Womack foi um cantor, compositor norte americano, falecido em 2014 aos 70 anos. Dono de uma longa carreira de  muito sucesso principalmente entre Estados Unidos e Europa, durou incríveis 62 anos, de 1952 até 2014. Seu primeiro disco "Fly Me to the Moon" só ocorreu de fato em 1969, já o auge de sua foi no início dos anos de 1980 quando assinou com a gravadora Beverly Glen Records. Neste período foram produzido seus discos de maior sucesso, entre eles "The Poet " de 1981, o décimo terceiro do músico e topo de sucesso da Billboard para black music.

[English] Bob Womack was a North American singer and composer, who died in 2014 at age of 70. He had a long career very successful mainly between the US and Europe and that lasted incredible 62 years, from 1952 until 2014. His first album "Fly Me to the Moon "only actually occurred in 1969, the pinnacle of his long career in the early 1980s when he signed with the label Beverly Glen Records. In this period were produced his most successful albums, that includ "The Poet" 1981, the thirteenth of the musician and the Billboard hit top to black music.


01. So Many Sides of You (Bobby Womack, Jim Ford)   3:44
02. Lay Your Lovin' on Me (Bobby Womack, Patrick Moten, Sandra Sully)   4:03
03. Secrets (Bobby Womack, Jim Ford)   3:54
04. Just My Imagination (Bobby Womack) 5:05
05. Stand Up (Cecil Womack) 3:30
06. Games (Bobby Womack, Roger Dollarhide) 6:51
07. If You Think You're Lonely Now (Bobby Womack, Patrick Moten, Richard Griffin) 5:30
08. Where Do We Go from Here (Bobby Womack, Jim Ford) 6:40


Bobby Womack - guitar and lead vocal
Patrick Moten and Dale Ramsey - Keyboards
David T. Walker - guitar
Dorothy Ashby - harp and percussion
Nathan East and David Shields - bass
James Gadson - drums
Eddie "Bongo" Brown and Paulinho da Costa - percussion
Regina Womack, Sally Womack, Vincent Womack and Tondalei - handclapping
Cecil Womack, Curtis Womack, Friendly Womack, The Waters, Richard Griffin, Fernando Harkless, Johnny Parham and Jon Rami - backing vocals

Label Beverly Glen Music

( password: !KzlB-oH8UrgtKVVk5Glapz6ZgTVhDughIt5uZ2mW-Uk )

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