O blog Modus Vivendi é um site cultural que tem como única intenção compartilhar o acervo musical que o blogger possui com pessoas interessadas em música. As publicações deste site são apresentadas nas formas de postagem de discos individuais, através de postagens temáticas, ou coletâneas de discos montadas pelo blog. As imagens utilizadas para ilustrar os artigos e postagens são, na maioria das vezes, extraídas da internet. Caso alguém ou algum artista se sinta ofendido com a divulgação de discos, imagens e comentários, por favor entre em contato com o blogger Modus Vivendi pelo e-mail modusvivendiblogspot@gmail.com que o conteúdo será removido do site.

The Modus Vivendi blog is a cultural site whose the only intention is to share the music collection of the blogger with people interested in music. The site publications are presented in forms of posting of individual albuns, through thematic posts, or albuns collections mounted by the blog. The images used to illustrate the articles and albuns displayeds are most often taken from the internet. If someone or some artist feels offended by the disseminating of records, images and comments, please contact the blogger Modus Vivendi by the e-mail modusvivendiblogspot@gmail.com that content will be removed from the site.

quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2013

Tony Bennett - 1998 - The Playground

Tony Bennett - 1998 - The Playground

Download The Playground albun sample on Pleer

[Português] Neste belo e agradável disco, Tony Bennett percorre de forma elegante, suave e divertida o universo infantil ao som do jazz de New York. Para estas gravações Tony vem acompanhado de seu parceiro de longa data Ralph Sharon e seu ótimo trio, e das vozes do Kids America children's choir, Rose O'Donnel, e dos bonecos Elmo (kevin Clash) e Caco o Sapo (Steve Whitmire). O repertório trás ótimas músicas, como a que dá título ao disco de Bergman, uma peça meio jazz infantil e nostalgico.

[English] In this beautiful and pleasant album, Tony Bennett travels elegant, bland and fun the children's universe with the sound of jazz from New York. For these Tony recordings comes with his longtime partner Ralph Sharon and his great trio, the voices of America Kids children's choir, Rose O'Donnell, and the dolls Elmo (Kevin Clash) and Kermit the Frog (Steve Whitmire). The repertoire behind great musics, as the album title music from Bergman, an childish and nostalgic jazzy.


01. The Playground" (Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman, Bill Evans) – 3:36
02. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive" (Harold Arlen, Johnny Mercer) – 2:37
03. Dat Dere" (Oscar Brown Jr., Bobby Timmons) – 3:17
04. Little Things (Duet with Elmo)" (Joe Raposo) – 3:09
05. Put On A Happy Face (Duet with Rosie O'Donnell)" (Lee Adams, Charles Strouse) – 3:01
06. Because We're Kids" (Dr. Seuss, Frederick Hollander) – 3:25
07. My Mom" (Walter Donaldson) – 4:38
08. Swinging On A Star" (Jimmy Burke, Jimmy Van Heusen) – 2:04
09. Bein' Green (Duet with Kermit The Frog)" (Raposo) – 2:41
10. Firefly (Duet with Kermit The Frog)" (Cy Coleman, Carolyn Leigh) – 1:32
11. When You Wish Upon A Star" (Leigh Harline, Ned Washington) – 2:58
12. (It's Only) A Paper Moon" (Arlen, Yip Harburg, Billy Rose) – 2:49
13. The Inchworm" (Frank Loesser) – 2:41
14. The Bare Necessities" (Terry Gilkyson) – 2:09
15. Make The World Your Own" (A. Bergman, M. Bergman, Michel Legrand) – 3:48
16. All God's Chillun Got Rhythm" (Walter Jurmann, Gus Kahn, Bronislaw Kaper) – 2:10
17. It's Christmas In Herald Square" – 3:25


Tony Bennett – vocal
Ralph Sharon – piano
Paul Langosch - bass
Gray Sargent - guitar
Clayton Cameron – drums
kevin Clash - voice, as Elmo on track 04
Steve Whitmire - voice, as Kermit The Frog on track 10
Rose O'Donnel - voice on track 05
Kids America children's choir - Jonathan Bleicher, Leanna Chaballa, Jonh Dailey, Luisina Quarleri, Andrea Viola, Kate Walsh and Jackie Zampella

Label: Columbia, RPM, Sony


I bilieve in Little Things
That you can hardly see
Like honeycomb and spiderwebs
And starfish in the sea

I bilieve in Little Things
Like icy drops of rian
That melt into a morning mist
When the wind blows warm again

I bilieve in Little Things
Like colors in the sky
And noticing the waves roll in
And how the flowers die
And knowing they'll come back again
Whenever it's July

I bilieve in Little Things
like you and me
And just how big
Little things can be

Songwriter  Joe RAPOSO

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