[Português] Ligado a diversidade musical e na música como arte sem fronteiras, nesta postagem-coleção o blog dá seguimento a essa proposta e disponibiliza uma seleção de discos da belíssima música das Antilhas Francesas, com especial ênfase na relação cultural entre a França e as ilhas de Martinica e Guadalupe. A intensão do artigo é dispor um conteúdo musical contemporâneo produzido nessa rica cena musical e derivada dessas ilhas caribenhas reunindo 20 discos lançados entre os anos de 2000 e 2015.
Estas terras fazem parte de um arquipélago de ilhas oceânicas de origem vulcânica, enfileiradas em sentido aproximado norte-sul, localizadas no mar do Caribe entre Trinidad Y Tobago a sul e Porto Rico a norte. As Antilhas Francesas assim como todo o Caribe receberam na sua formação sócio-cultural forte influencia africana, tem como principais núcleos dessa cultura musical as belas ilhas de Martinica e Guadalupe. A partir de meados do século XX elas desenvolveram de forma crescente uma sólida indústria musical, e entre os estilos que ficaram mais conhecidos internacionalmente estão o Biguine e o Zouk. O primeiro com seu auge entre as décadas de 1920-50 e o segundo um estilo surgido no final da década de 1970. Além do Zouk, outros ritmos populares recentes importantes se destacaram como o Kadans e o Cadencelypso que tem em comum suas influências nos ritmos tradicionais do século XIX, entre eles o Biguine e o Gwo Ka de Martinica, e o Bele de Guadalupe. A forte conexão entre estas ilhas e a França propicia a muitos anos às suas populações artísticas e seus descendentes nascidos fora das ilhas, alcance a um mercado musical desenvolvido como é o caso do francês. Com este importante suporte, a décadas vem se formado ótimas gerações de músicos e são produzidos inúmeros trabalhos musicais de excelente qualidade. Fato é que este contexto e conexão apoiam o músico de Martinica, Guadalupe e demais ilhas francesas no processo de desenvolvimento da sua potencialidade musical com mais solidez a garantir seu espaço na cena musical internacional.

These lands are part of an archipelago of oceanic islands of volcanic origin, lined up approximate in direction North-South, and are located in the Caribbean Sea between Trinidad Y Tobago south and Puerto Rico to the north. The French West Indies as well as throughout the Caribbean received on its strong socio-cultural training African influence, its main core of this musical culture the beautiful islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe. From the middle of the twentieth century they have developed increasingly a solid music industry, and among the styles that were most internationally known are Biguine and zouk. The first with its peak between the decades of 1920-50 and the second one emerged style in the late 1970. In addition to zouk, other important recent popular rhythms stood out as the Kadans and Cadencelypso that have in common their influences in the rhythms traditional nineteenth century, including Biguine and the Gwo Ka percussion of Martinique, and Bele of Guadalupe. The strong connection between these islands and France provides many years of their artistic populations and their descendants born off the islands, reaching a musical developed market such as the French. With this important support, decades came formed generations of great musicians and are produced numerous musical works of excellent quality. The fact is that this context and connection support the musician of Martinique, Guadeloupe and other French islands in the development process of their musical potential with more strength and ensuring its place in the international music scene.

[English] To open the collection was chosen the outstanding Rhizome album by Martinique pianist Mario Canonge recorded in 2003 and released in 2004. Natural of the city of Fort-de-France, it is now recognized as a major international jazz talents in the Antilles, part several projects with groups, trio or solo, permeates between jazz, fusion jazz, salsa, zouk and more. The Rhizoma album was an important work of Mario Canonge, focused on Latin jazz fusion and with emphasis on antilhense sound, including the participation of great musicians internationally recognized as Roy Hargrove, Richard Bona and Antonio Sanchez. Highlights are the compositions "Open The Door", "Madikera" and "Rhizome".
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !6mhGN21IfrHM-imFF7h8-LyI-ldZBEDc5SlHe8FsaZw ) Video 1 Youtube Video 2 Youtube

[English] The Baylavwa is formed by Thierry François (baritone / bass), Leo Rafael (bartitone / tenor), Jean-Paul Elysée (tenor), Hubert Colau (tenor) and Olivier Thetis (tenor). Located in Paris, Baylavwa vocal group consists of five singers originating from Martinique, Guadeloupe and Paris. With sophisticated arrangements and beautiful compositions they perform work focused on the Caribbean music, but influenced by jazz and North American vocal tradition. In this context, they create a beautiful, smooth, bold music, producing the listener a strong satisfaction motivated by the well finished harmonies of their music.
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !QdVgF_nkgasIESynIkeUNW0RPc0Ljm2DMC2dFbaVpww ) Vídeo: Youtube

[English] Talented Caribbean jazz musician, Gilles Rosine is a pianist and composer from Martinique that made his musical studies in Paris. In this great record "Chimin tracé," according to his career, Rosine and his band progress on jazz criolo and classical music with a strong accent on jazz biguine, with traditional rhythms like Bele, Chouval Bwa, Mazurka, Waltz and Quadrille. Is accompanied by great musicians like percussionist Paco Charlery, bassist Alex Bernard, drummers Dominique Bougrainville and José Zebina, guitarist Eric Bonheur and many voices as Ralph Thamar, Tony Chasseur, Max Telephe, Luc Labonne and more.
Patrice Caratini Jazz Ensemble & Alain Jean-Marie Biguine Reflections - 2011 - Chofé Biguine La

[English] This brilliant recording was made in the city of Fort de France in Martinique in 2001 and materialized only in 2011 with the launch of this expected disk. Recording dedicated to jazz Caribbean, he had the French bassist Patrice Caratini and his great Jazz Ensemble with the presence of renowned pianist Alain Jean-Marie and percussionist Roger Raspail, both of Guadalupe. Unfortunately, the blog had trouble getting the full disk, file available in the links below missing three songs that make up the 15 tracks from the original recording.
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !QiX8lR60oJCWHlhEGsp4GfrU3ZC3owiqw3hA51ABsHs ) Vídeo 1: Youtube Vídeo 2: Youtube

[English] Bélya is one Martinique group that performs a cultural activism work and whose main inspiration the musical tradition of Bele mixed with influences of other afroantilhenses musical traditions, zouk and refined by jazz arrangements. The group was established in 1998 with nine musicians and two dancers. The research promoted by them yielded a strong regional recognition and some other countries, and this has led the group to a restructuring in 2002 through the include a lot of artists contributions with promotion of a regional political of cultural tourism.

[English] On this album Manuel Césaire with the Orchestre Symphonique de Martinique to do a musical journey through the cultural universe of Martinique through compositions that create a different and poetic garb that is little explored in the music of the Antilles. For these recordings the orchestra is composed of several well-known names from the local scene as Alex Bernard, José Zebina, Mano Césaire, Maurice Bouchard, Micky Télèphe, Tony Chasseur and Jean-Paul Pognon.

[English] Malavoi is among the most prominent international groups of the French Antilles, marked by rhythmic and melodic music, the violins in their composition has as most used elements the Biguine, Kadans, Zouk and Brazilian ingredients of Caribbean music. This group was formed in 1972, he has released several albums, and this long journey started many musicians but among them, its most significant and influential members are Paul Rosine, Pipo Gertrude, Ralph Thamar, Mano Césaire, Jean-Paul Soime, Christian Negri, Denis Dantin and Marcel Rémion.

[English] Chyco Simeon is an autodidact bass player born in Paris which produces a jazz fusion with strong influences of funk and Caribbean rhythms. Has as their musical roots the experiences between Paris and Martinique, but also an important part of their training were experiments with Marcus Miller and
Michel Alibo significantly contributed to define your playing style. The album "Ozanam" was recorded a few years but it's a good job reference performed by the musician. And for this production Simeon invited talents as Christophe Cravero, David Fackeure, José Zebina, Michel Alibo and Thierry Fanfant.
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !etUu0RLKxeJ1gQJjHNnG9vnlIf3bB8JQSYaA0iHk6rg )

[English] Dédé Saint-Prix is a natural musician Martinique with different musical skills, is a singer, flautist, percussionist and saxophonist. Great popularity in the West Indies, is a popular dynamic and festive music work using the african Caribbean traditions, with main emphasis on rhythm bwa chouval and other rhythms Martinique mixed the rhythmic influences from other islands such as Cuba, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Haiti and Puerto Rico. The album "l'intégral", a collection of 100 songs divided into five volumes, it is a great artist career compendium and an excellent example of popular music produced in this region.
[English] Born in Fort de France, Martinique, Ronald Tulle is a pianist and composer known in the West Indies connection - Paris. He has recorded with many renowned artists of this circuit, even when p has three great albums released, "FWI" 2005, "l'Les Notes Love" 2009, and more recently "Raising" of 2014. The album chosen to write the collection was "l'Les Notes Love" and representative disc of the work produced by the musician, colorful fusion of contemporary jazz and music antilhense the mazurka and biguine, and his piano and band creating a very melodic atmosphere and rhythmic the same time.
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !-ByEnIjI5KTtKepDwEE9DCZynKymcxhT2DyF46KV02A )

[English] Ralph Thamar is a singer and composer natural from Fort-de-France, Martinique. Prestigious artist mainly in the world of Creole music of the French Antilles, has as its main styles the zouk, samba, soca, mazurka, biguine, reggae, gang and bolero. Obtained greater international visibility mainly with his participation in Malavoi group and later with his solo career. In this beautiful album in honor of the Cuban bolero, Ralph Thamar told the valuable partnership of pianist Mario Canonge, plus bassist Alex Bernard and percussionist Miguel Gomez. For the record were selected ten classic of the genre, such as, "Siboney" by Ernesto Lecuona, "Malditos Celos" Rafael Hernandez, "Tres Palabras" Osvaldo Farrés and "Gardenia Perfume" Alejandro Fernandez.
Jacques Schwarz-Bart - 2014 - Jazz Racine Haïti
[Português] Jacques Schwarz-Bart é um compositor e saxofonista natural de Guadalupe. Diferentemente da maioria dos artistas selecionados neste artigo com forte conexão entre Antilhas e França, Jacques Schwarz-Bart em sua trajetória de vida, além da terra natal foram importantes em sua formação principalmente a Suíça e os Estados Unidos. Neste último país, onde se desenvolveu sua maioridade musical, teve início em Boston onde concluiu o curso na Berklee School of Music, e posteriormente se fixando na vultuosa cena musical de Nova Iorque. Hoje, além de sua carreira solo reconhecida, tem no currículo a participação com inúmeros nomes de destaque da música como Erykah Badu, Meshell N’degeocello, Bob Moses, Giovanni Hidalgo, James Hurt, Danilo Perez, Soulive, Ari Hoenig, David Gilmore e outros. O disco "Jazz Racine Haiti" é o mais recente trabalho do músico, muito bem aceito pela crítica em geral, para as composições o saxofonista contou com um grupo de talentos para crias uma música moderna, com arranjos sofisticados e conectados a força das tradições afrocaribenhas (em especial a sonoridade Haitiana do voodoo) e do jazz. Entre os músicos, destaques são as vozes de Erol Josue, Rosna Zila e Steralphanie McKay, no flugelhorn Alex Tassel, dividindo o piano estão Milan Milanovic e Gregory Privat, o baixista Ben Williams, o baterista Obed Calvaire e o percussionista Gaston "Bonga" Jean-Baptiste entre outros.

[English] Jacques Schwarz-Bart is a composer and saxophonist from Guadalupe. Unlike most musicians selected in this article with a strong connection between West Indies and France, Jacques Schwarz-Bart in his life story, beyond the homeland were important in their formation mainly Switzerland and the United United. In the latter country, where he developed his musical maturity, he began in Boston where he completed the course on Berklee School of Music, and later settling the wide music scene of New York. Today, in addition to his recognized solo career, has the a list of participation with numerous prominent names in music as Erykah Badu, Meshell N'degeocello, Bob Moses, Giovanni Hidalgo, James Hurt, Danilo Perez, Soulive, Ari Hoenig, David Gilmore and others. The album "Jazz Racine Haiti" is his latest album, very well accepted by generally critics to compositions saxophonist had a group of young talents to a song modern with sophisticated arrangements and conectandos the strength of Afro-Caribbean traditions (Especially the Haitian sounding voodoo) and jazz. Among the musicians featured are the voices of Erol Josue, Growls and Zila Steralphanie McKay, the flugelhorn Alex Tassel, dividing the piano are Milan Milanovic and Gregory Privat, bassist Ben Williams, drummer Obed Calvaire and percussionist Gaston "Bonga" Jean-Baptiste and others.
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !Rq36R0knuhfwWURAt-pGGD6AO4-V1GuNoOifpkRtxo8 ) Vídeo: Youtube

[English] Kimbòl is a group based in Guadeloupe, performs a daring work of fusion and built the traditional rhythm of Guadalçupe island with jazz contemporary. This album entitled "Invitation" are 13 tracks that make a musical journey through the universe of the island. Several guest musicians participate in the project, but the Kimból has in its main training seven young musicians that intersperse the voices, percussion and instruments, including Marylène Troupe voice, Jenna Legros on flute, Fabrice Troupe on sax, Laurence Jules Gaston on piano and drums ka, Arnaud Dolmen on drums and ka drums, Emilie Epaminondas on piano and Sonny Troupe in ka drums, drums and artistic direction. The zip file of album absence track 1.
Hervé Celcal - 2013 - Bel Air for Piano
[Português] Hervé Celcal é um pianista e compositor de Martinica, de formação que transitou do erudito ao jazz, o músico incorporou na sua composição a atmosfera do folclore das Antilhas criando um piano crioulo, uma música com melodia e harmonia em um jogo rítmico. Esta concepção de música esta em seu trabalho solo de 2013 "Bel Air". Fruto de um longo trabalho de investigação sobre o Bel Air (música tradicional da Martinica intimamente ligado ao tambor do Bele) e que foi redesenhado por Celcal ao piano jazz. Neste álbum o pianista vem acompanhado por um quarteto composto por Chris Jennings no baixo, Boris Reine-Adélaide no tambor bèle, Abraham Mansfarroll Rodriguez na bateria e tambores bata e Prabhu Edouard nas tablas. [English] Hervé Celcal is a pianist and composer from Martinique, with musical education that passed the classic to jazz, the musician has incorporated into its composition of the Antillean folklore atmosphere creating a creole piano a song with melody and harmony in a rhythmic game. This music can be listen in his solo work from 2013 "Bel Air". The result of a long research on the Bel Air (traditional music of Martinique closely linked to Bele drum) and was redesigned by Celcal to jazz piano. In this album the pianist is accompanied by a quartet with Chris Jennings on bass, Boris-Reine Adélaide in Bele drum, Abraham Mansfarroll Rodriguez on drums and bata drums, and Prabhu Edouard on tablas.

Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !NPiuZoNL9Dg6J0gjqIgPIic0ndtxHhqrZ4iczX_LKxQ ) Video Youtube

[English] Kolo Barst is a composer, singer and percussionist natural of Martinique, native of the northern region of the island between the villages of Basse-Pointe and Le Lorrain. Great recognition artist in the West Indies, is nursing profession but musician by choice. Draws up a very particular popular Creole music, traditional and with roots in the Bonga Angola. The Barst poetry is rich in a social argument, commonly through an emblematic approaches expressing the feelings of their land home, having as support the voices, drums, flutes, guitars and percussion. And when on live performances his music is often enriched by aesthetic african antilhense. The album "Bidim Grace" 2010 represented his return after several years out of the studios. A traditional work and good taste with a smooth character and pleasant It differs from most albuns posted to the article package.
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !zkUfyo7cKebMFcfBM4SyylzpqDB3tZ5L4xDbjV5QwNA ) Video Youtube

[English] A good acoustic Caribbean jazz, this is the first impression when listening to the album Bon-Air by Karlos Rotsen. The pianist who is a native of the town of Sainte-Marie in Martinique after important period in Cuba lives a a few years in Paris where he released her latest album. The records radiates a beautiful colorful, very melodic and rhythmic that is a Bele jazz, biguine jazz with soul-funk "Bon-Air". Recorded by a new generation the quartet, also includes Irving Acao on tenor sax, Kevin Reveyrand on bass and Cédric Clery on drums.
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !HmFH9CPdb5ckmWElHET9kcKHzsKWHfY7qOTzjZc3j_0 ) Video Youtube

[English] "Evolution X" 2010 is the latest album of the artist .Guy Vadeleux Marc is a talented musician of the new generation of Martinique. Pianist, singer and composer, has its history closely linked to the father Guy Vadeleux, musician of great popularity in the West Indies. In addition to his history with his father and his experiences individual, the musical development Guy Marc Vadeleux was starting his studies at the Higher Institute of Arts in Havana, Cuba. Today, his influences Musical your tickets ranging from styles such as jazz, jazz biguine, biguine, mazurka criola, zouk, cadence, reggae and son.
Link 1: Mediafire Link 2: Mega ( Password: !qbSFLusnhyuktZYID8hduk8BWigjB97AQTmEVrJPAsY ) Video 1 Youtube Vídeo 2 Youtube

[English] Fal Frett is one of older Creole music groups activity from Martinique, founded in 1976 by Jacky Bernard, Alex Bernard, Nicol Bernard, Bib Monville, Jacky Alpha and Ralph Thamar, the group has released nine albums over the years, and "Histoire d'une Vie" is the latest in 2013. The music produced by they seem something like a Caribbean smooth jazz sauce to the West Indies. Despite the long road, the group is best known in the Caribbean itself or in markets of countries of French language as France and Canada, and also the United States.

[English] New generation Antillean musician, born in Guadeloupe, performs a work loated in Paris, makes a soul merges with Creole music (especially Zouk, Gwo Ka and Mazurka) refined by jazz harmonies and improvisations. Erik Pedurand in this latest album "Ecole Créole" 2013 also is accompanied by a band of young talented musicians, including Ralph Lavital on guitar, Wendy Milton on keyboards, Gwen Ladeux on bass and Mathieu Edward on drums.