O blog Modus Vivendi é um site cultural que tem como única intenção compartilhar o acervo musical que o blogger possui com pessoas interessadas em música. As publicações deste site são apresentadas nas formas de postagem de discos individuais, através de postagens temáticas, ou coletâneas de discos montadas pelo blog. As imagens utilizadas para ilustrar os artigos e postagens são, na maioria das vezes, extraídas da internet. Caso alguém ou algum artista se sinta ofendido com a divulgação de discos, imagens e comentários, por favor entre em contato com o blogger Modus Vivendi pelo e-mail modusvivendiblogspot@gmail.com que o conteúdo será removido do site.

The Modus Vivendi blog is a cultural site whose the only intention is to share the music collection of the blogger with people interested in music. The site publications are presented in forms of posting of individual albuns, through thematic posts, or albuns collections mounted by the blog. The images used to illustrate the articles and albuns displayeds are most often taken from the internet. If someone or some artist feels offended by the disseminating of records, images and comments, please contact the blogger Modus Vivendi by the e-mail modusvivendiblogspot@gmail.com that content will be removed from the site.

domingo, 21 de dezembro de 2014

Horace Silver

Tribute to Horace Silver

Norwalk, Connecticut, U.S.
[Português] O blog aproveita o momento do final do ano para prestar uma homenagem ao grande músico Horace Silver falecido em 18 de junho passado aos 85 anos. Artista único, dono de um estilo muito próprio no piano, deixou um excelente legado discográfico, com 58 álbuns entre 1950 e 1998. Durante todos esses anos teve como seu principal estúdio o selo Blue Note onde gravou 32 álbuns, como líder ou como membro de grupos, acompanhando nomes como Stan Getz, Lou Donaldson, Coleman Hawkins, Lester Young, Howard McGhee, Al Cohn, Kenny Dorham, Art Farmer, Miles Davis entre outros. Alem da Blue Note, passou por diversas outras gravadoras como a Emerald, Silveto, Bop City, Columbia, Verve, Impulse, Spotlite, Storyville, Savoy, Prestige e Landmark. Horace Silver foi um músico surgido e desenvolvido em plenas evoluções do jazz entre os anos de 1940 e 50, teve a sua alma musical moldada dentro do bebop e hardbop com uma sonoridade d blues. Mas atento as mudanças que foram ocorrendo, definiu seu estilo com influências também do post-bop, mainstream jazz, modal jazz, soul jazz and jazz fusion, african music and latin music.

Nesta postagem estão os três últimos albuns de Horace Silver, todos gravados em estúdio, "The HardBop GrandPop" de 1996 e "A Prescription For The Blues" de 1997 pela Impulse, e "Jazz Has A Sense Of Humor" de 1998 pela Verve. Discos com gravações originais digitais, com excelentes bandas e fieis a pulsação forte e alegre do jazz feito por Horance Silver. 

[English] The blog seizes the moment of the end of the year to make tribute for the great musician Horace Silver died in the last June 18 with 85 years old. An only artist who owns a very unique style on the piano left a great discography legacy with 58 released albuns between 1950 and 1998. During all these years he had his main studio the Blue Note label where he recorded 32 albuns as a leader or as a member of groups as Stan Getz, Lou Donaldson, Coleman Hawkins, Lester Young, Howard McGhee, Al Cohn, Kenny Dorham, Art Farmer, Miles Davis and others. Besides the Blue Note, he went through several others labels such as Emerald, Silveto, Bop City, Columbia, Verve, Impulse, Spotlite, Storyville, Savoy, Prestige and Landmark. Horace Silver was a musician emerged and developed in full jazz developments between the years 1940 and 50, he had his musical soul molded into the Be Bop and Hard Bop in a very Blues sound, but he was alert the changes that occurred set their style with influences of hard bop, post-bop, mainstream jazz, modal jazz, soul jazz and fusion jazz, african music and latin music.

In this post there are the last three Horace Silver's albums, all recorded in the studio "The HardBop Grandpop" 1996 and "A Prescription For The Blues" 1997 by Impulse label, and "Jazz Has A Sense Of Humor" 1998 by Verve label. They are albuns original in digital record (the last fase of Silver) with great bands and faithful to strong and cheerful pulse Jazz made by Horance Silver.

1998 - Jazz Has A Sense Of Humor


01. Satisfaction Guaranteed – 5:47
02. The Mama Suite Part 1: Not Enough Mama – 5:36
03. The Mama Suite Part 2: Too Much Mama – 4:52
04. The Mama Suite Part 3: Just Right Mama – 4:07
05. Philley Millie – 4:45
06. Ah-Ma-Tell – 6:00
07. I Love Annie's Fanny – 4:48
08. Gloria – 7:34
09. Where Do I Go from Here? – 4:01

All compositions by Horace Silver


Horace Silver – piano
Ryan Kisor – trumpet
Jimmy Greene – tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone
John Webber – bass
Willie Jones III – drums
 1997 - A Prescription For The Blues


01. A Prescription for the Blues – 5:12

02. Whenever Lester Plays the Blues – 6:35
03. You Gotta Shake That Thing – 5:16
04. Yodel Lady Blues – 6:42
05. Brother John and Brother Gene – 4:43
06. Free at Last – 6:27
07. Walk On – 6:26
08. Sunrise in Malibu – 5:01
09. Doctor Jazz – 5:31

All compositions by Horace Silver


Horace Silver – piano

Randy Brecker – trumpet
Michael Brecker – tenor saxophone
Ron Carter – bass
Louis Hayes – drums

Recorded in NYC on May 29 & 30, 1997.
1996 - The HardBop GrandPop


01. I Want You - 5:15
02. The Hippest Cat in Hollywood - 6:43
03. Gratitude - 5:38
04. Hawkin' - 6:17
05. I Got the Blues in Santa Cruz - 8:05
06. We've Got Silver at Six - 7:05
07. The Hardbop Grandpop - 5:20
08. The Lady from Johannesburg - 6:02
09. Serenade to a Teakettle - 6:24
10. Diggin' on Dexter - 5:40

All compositions by Horace Silver


Horace Silver - piano
Claudio Roditi - trumpet, flugelhorn
Steve Turre - trombone
Michael Brecker - tenor saxophone
Ronnie Cuber - baritone saxophone
Ron Carter - bass
Lewis Nash - drums

Recorded in NYC on February 29-March 1, 1996.