O blog Modus Vivendi é um site cultural que tem como única intenção compartilhar o acervo musical que o blogger possui com pessoas interessadas em música. As publicações deste site são apresentadas nas formas de postagem de discos individuais, através de postagens temáticas, ou coletâneas de discos montadas pelo blog. As imagens utilizadas para ilustrar os artigos e postagens são, na maioria das vezes, extraídas da internet. Caso alguém ou algum artista se sinta ofendido com a divulgação de discos, imagens e comentários, por favor entre em contato com o blogger Modus Vivendi pelo e-mail modusvivendiblogspot@gmail.com que o conteúdo será removido do site.

The Modus Vivendi blog is a cultural site whose the only intention is to share the music collection of the blogger with people interested in music. The site publications are presented in forms of posting of individual albuns, through thematic posts, or albuns collections mounted by the blog. The images used to illustrate the articles and albuns displayeds are most often taken from the internet. If someone or some artist feels offended by the disseminating of records, images and comments, please contact the blogger Modus Vivendi by the e-mail modusvivendiblogspot@gmail.com that content will be removed from the site.

quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2014


Fairuz / فيروز 

[Português] Fairuz (ou ainda Fairouz, Fayrouz, Feyrouz e Feiruz) é uma artista de grande prestígio em todo o mundo árabe, uma carreira de sucesso absoluto, atuante desde a era do rádio libanês, possui dezenas de discos gravados a partir de 1962, trilhas e participações para cinema, teatro, televisão, operas e operetas, e mais recentemente em dvds de shows ao vivo. Nascida em 1935, na aldeia Jabal al Arz nas montanhas libanesas, pouco depois com a família mudou-se para Beirute, cidade onde vive e desenvolve toda sua carreira. Começou como membro do coro da Rádio libanesa e em meados dos anos 1950 já se tornava muito conhecida devido principalmente ao seu timbre vocal distinto e as letras que retratavam o amor e a nostalgia da vida da aldeia. Na segunda metade desta década, a jovem Fairuz junta-se aos Irmãos Rahbani, passo fundamental para impulsionar a sua arte e reconhecimento de forma mais ampla. Os três músicos desenvolvem juntos um novo estilo de música libanesa em que as misturas orquestrais delicadas e instrumentos árabes em destaque, são incorporados a elementos externos como instrumentos e ritmos de danças populares europeias, e a música latino-americana. Eles rapidamente se tornam famosos em todo o mundo árabe, com centenas de composições conhecidas e o início de uma fértil e produtiva participação no cinema que aumentaram ainda mais seu público árabe, incluindo aqueles que vivem na Europa e nas Américas. As letras eram escritas por Mansour Rahbani, e as músicas compostas e arranjadas Assi Rahbani, ex-marido de Fairuz. As canções de Fayrouz desenvolveram muito com a genialidade musical e poético destes dois irmãos. As aptidões musicais da família são certificadas com o surgimento do talentoso pianista e compositor Ziad Rahbani, filho de Fairuz e Assi Rahbani. Na década de 1970 Ziad passa a contribuir significativamente no trabalho de Fairuz, introduzindo elementos do jazz e outras formas juntando se as características que moldaram a cantora, formas litúrgicas cristãs com as tradições seculares de música árabe. 

Entre os diversos fatores que tornaram Fairuz uma artista de imensa popularidade, algumas posturas relacionadas as convulsões políticas que atingiram o Líbano, entre elas o fato significante que durante a guerra civil libanesa (de 1975 a 1990) Fairuz não abandonou o pais, mantendo-se lá e fiel as suas raízes geográficas. Hoje, Fairuz é adorada como uma diva libanesa, considerado como a mais famosa cantora do mundo árabe na atualidade e um dos nomes mais conhecidos de todos os tempos. A artista tem uma legião de fãs, influenciou e continua influenciando todas as gerações de cantores posteriores a ela principalmente de sua terra natal. Este artigo, com toda modéstia, faz um breve descrição do que representa o nome Fairuz para o cenário musical internacional hoje. Tratando-se de uma discografia imensa, disponibilizar toda a obra de Fairuz, o blog estaria fugindo da proposta que é difusão da música. São colocados a disposição apenas dois discos do imenso acervo discográfico, dois ótimos trabalhos relacionados a fase mais recente da carreira da artista, o álbum de estúdio "Eh Fi Amal / إيه في أمل" gravado em 2010, e o emocionante álbum ao vivo "Live at Beitddine / في بيت الدين" de 2000. 

[EnglishFairuz (or Fairouz, Fayrouz, Feyrouz and Feiruz) is an artist of great prestige in the Arab world, a career of absolute success, active since the Lebanese radio era, has dozens of albums recorded from 1962, trails and stakes for film, theater, television, operas and operettas, and more recently in dvds of live shows. Born in 1935 in the village Jabal al Arz in Lebanese mountains shortly after with the family moved to Beirut, the city where he will live and develop throughout his career. Began as a member of the choir of the Lebanese Radio and mid-1950s was becoming well known mainly due to its distinct vocal timbre and lyrics that portrayed the love and nostalgia for village life. In the second half of this decade, the young Fairuz joins the Rahbani Brothers, key step to boost his art and recognition of broader way. The three musicians develop together a new style of Lebanese music that blends the delicate orchestral instruments and Arab highlighted, are incorporated to external elements such as instruments and rhythms of popular European dances, and Latin American music. They quickly become famous throughout the Arab world, with hundreds of known compositions and the beginning of a fruitful and productive participation in the film that further increased his Arab audience, those who live in Europe and the Americas. The lyrics were written by Mansour Rahbani, and songs composed and arranged by Assi Rahbani, Fairuz ex-husband. The Fayrouz songs developed much with the musical and poetic genius of these two brothers. The family musical skills are certified with the emergence of the talented pianist and composer Ziad Rahbani, son of Fairuz and Assi Rahbani. In the 1970s Ziad began to contribute significantly in the work of Fairuz, introducing elements of jazz and other musical forms, and joining with the characteristics that shaped the singer, Christian liturgical forms with the secular traditions of Arab music. 

Among the various factors that Fairuz became an artist of immense popularity, so certain behaviors related political upheavals that hit Lebanon, including the significant fact that during the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990) Fairuz did not abandon the country, keeping faithful their geographical roots. Today, Fairuz is worshiped as a Lebanese diva, regarded as the most famous singer in the Arab world today and one of the best known names of all time. The artist has a legion of fans, influenced and continues to influence all subsequent generations of singers to it mainly from their homeland. This article, in all modesty, makes a brief description of what the name is Fairuz for the international music scene today. Being a huge discography, available all the work of Fairuz, the blog was fleeing the proposal that is the diffusion of music. Are made ​​available to only two albuns of immense discography collection, two great works related to the latest phase of the artist, the studio album "Eh Fi Amal / إيه في أمل" recorded in 2010, and the exciting live album "Live at Beitddine / في بيت الدين "2000.

Fairuz - 2010 - Eh Fi Amal (إيه في أمل)

[PortuguêsO álbum "Eh Fi Amal", traduzido para o português "A Esperança ainda Vive", provavelmente até então o mais recente disco de estúdio de Fairuz, lançado em 2010, foi imenso sucesso de público e crítica. Em uma homenagem aos Irmãos Rahbani, foi composto e arranjado por Ziad Rahbani, este trabalho veio depois de quatro anos de ausência de Fairuz da cena libanesa, e oito anos do seu antecessor de estúdio, "Wala Kif", publicado em 2002. "Eh Fi Amal" apresenta doze faixas, oito inéditas, duas composições instrumentais, e duas canções rearranjadas, as doze composições apresentam ricos e belos arranjos com elementos para orquestras de cordas, coral, elementos do jazz, arranjos para metais e mais, misturados ao folclore e cultura musical libanesa. Ao final, exceção ao trabalho de estúdio, esta uma composição instrumental ao vivo com arranjos para orquestra de jazz que evolui para uma pulsação de samba, tema composto em memória a um campo de refugiados palestinos, onde milícias cristãs realizaram um massacre durante a guerra civil libanesa. 

[EnglishThe album "Eh Fi Amal",  translated maybe as "Hope still lives" or "There is a Hope", probably by then the latest studio album from Fairuz, launched in 2010, was immense critical and commercial success. As a tribute to the Rahbani Brothers, was composed and arranged by Ziad Rahbani, this work came after four years of absence of Fairuz Lebanese scene, and eight years of his predecessor studio, "Wala Kif," published in 2002.  "Eh Fi Amal" features twelve tracks, eight unreleased, two instrumental compositions, and two rearranged songs, the twelve compositions feature-rich elements with beautiful arrangements for string orchestras, choral, jazz elements, arrangements for metals and more, mixed with folklore and Lebanese culture music. At the end, exception to studio work, is the instrumental composition with live arrangements for jazz orchestra that evolves into a pulse of samba song composed in memory to a Palestinian refugee camp, where Christian militias carried out a massacre during the civil Lebanese war .


01. قال قايل / Al Ayel   4:42
02. قصة زغيري كتير / Ossa Zghiri Ktir   4:37
03. كل ما الحكي / Kel Mal Haki   3:23
04. كبيرة المزحة هاي / Kbiril Mazha Hay   6:00
05. الل كبير/ Allah Kbir   4:22
06. لأرض لكم / Al Ardou Lakoum  (lyrics by Gebran Khalil Gebran)   2:09
07. ماشاورت حالي / Ma Chawart Hali   3:04
08. دياربكر / Diar Bakr   3:24
09. البنت الشلبية / El Bint El Chalabiya (Tradidional Folk Song)   3:02
10. إيه في أمل / Eh Fi Amal   4:16
11. بكتب أساميهن / Bektob Asamihon   (Rahbani Brothers)   2:43
12. تل الزعتر / Tal El Zaatar - MEA   4:20


• Lista dos músicos participantes do projeto não encontrada / List of musicians participating in the project not found.

Fairuz – voice
Ziad Rahbani – piano

Lyrics By, Music By, Arranged By – Ziad Rahbani

Recorded By – Ziad Rahbani, Eddy Jazra and Wissam Jarrah 

Recorded at NOTTA STUDIO in Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon. 
Mixed at MARATONE STUDIOS in Hamburg, Germany. 
Mastered at PINGUIN STUDIOS in Hamburg, Germany. 

Arabic Lyric Translation for Fairuz's amazing song "Eh Fi Amal / إيه في أمل  / There is a Hope" 

رغم الزهر للّي متلّي الحقول
وشو ما تحكي وتشرحلي وتقول
حبيبي حبيبي
تانرجع لأ مش معقول

although flowers are scattered in the fields
no matter what u say or explain 
my love my love
to get back again is impossible 

عندي سنونو وفي عندي قرميد
وبعرف شو يعني اذا إنت بعيد
بس حبيبي إحساسي
ماعاد يرجعلي من جديد
في أمل إيه في أمل
أوقات بيطلع من ملل
وأوقات بيرجع من شي حنين

i have a Swallow and i have a brick 
and i know well what does it mean when you are far 
but darling my feelings
wont back to me once again 
is there a hope? yeah there is a hope 
that came up from boredom
and sometimes it came up from a longing 

لحظات تايخفّف زعل
وبيذكّرني فيك لون شبابيك
بس ما بينسيني شو حصل
في قدّامي مكاتيب من سنين
زهقت ورد ومنتور وياسمين
حبيبي حبيبي
ماعاد يلمسني الحنين

at some moments to hold things down 
window colors that reminds me of you 
but they don't help me to forget what happened 
there is a letters in front of me since years 
i get rid of roses ..Wallflowers and Jasmin
my love my love 
longing wont touch my feelings again

في ماضي منيح بس مضى
صفّى بالريح بالفضا
وبيضل تذكار عن مشهد صار
في خبز في ملح في رضى
ويوميّة ليل وبعدو نهار
عمري قدّامي عم ينقض

there is a good past but it passed 
it has settled in the air /in the horizon 
it remains a memory about a scene that happen 
there is a bread..a salt and satisfaction 
and everyday there is a night and a day that follows 
my life is passing in front of me 

شوف القمح للّي بيطلع بسهول
شوف المي للّي بتنزل عاطول
حبيبي احساسي
هلقد معقولة يزول
شو بتخبّر اصحاب وزوّار
عنّي انّي محدودة وبغار
بس حبيبي كرمالي
تنيناتنا منعرف شو صار

look at the wheat which is growing in the fields 
look at the water which is pouring/falling always 
darling my feelings 
is it impossible they fade that much 
what would u tell a friends and guests 
about me ..that am jealous and very specific (have limited mind) 
for my sake my love 
we both know whats happened.

Fairuz - 2000 - Live at Beitddine (في بيت الدين)

[PortuguêsO disco "Live at Beitddine" foi gravado durante o Festival de Beitddine (Ver link) no ano de 2000, quando Fairuz apresentou-se em noites antológicas. O festival representa um importante evento musico-cultural que ocorre durante os meses de junho e agosto anualmente no Palácio de Beitddine, monumento localizado a cerca de 41 quilômetros a sudeste da cidade de Beirute. Neste espetáculo, uma imensa platéia assistiu e cantou juntamente com Fairuz grandes sucessos de sua carreira sob a regência do maestro armeno Nika Babaian e arranjos de Ziad Rahbani, formada por orquestra, coral e banda.  

[EnglishThe album "Live at Beitddine" was recorded during the Beitddine Festival (See link) in 2000, when Fairuz appeared in anthology nights. The festival is a major musical and cultural event that occurs during the months of June and August each year at the Palace of Beitddine, monument located about 41 km southeast of the Beirut city. In this show, a huge audience watched and sang along with Fairuz greatest hits of his career under the baton of Armenian maestro Nika Babaian and Ziad Rahbani arrangements, formed by orchestra, choir and band.


01. مقدمة بيت الدين / Beiteddine Opening (Ziad Rahbani)   4:06
02. لا انت حبيبي / La Inta Habibi (Rahbani Brothers)   4:57
03. عندي ثقة فيك / Endi Sika Feek (Ziad Rahbani)   3:19
04. كيفك إنت / Kifak Inta (Ziad Rahbani)   3:51
05. مقدمة ميس الريم / Prelude (Mais El Rim) (Ziad Rahbani)   3:19
06. اشتقتلك / 'Shtaktillak (Ziad Rahbani)   2:45
07. شو هالإيام / Shu Hal Iam (Ziad Rahbani)   4:29
08. المقاومة الزطنية اللبنانية / The National Lebanese Resistance (Ziad Rahbani)   3:22
09. بتتلج الدني بتشمس الدني / Btitlojil Dini (Rahbani Brothers)   4:00
10. تمذكر ما تنعاد / Tinzakar Ma Tinaad (Ziad Rahbani)   3:27
11. كبيرة المزحة هي / Kbiril Mazha Hay (Ziad Rahbani)   5:27
12. أهو ده اللي صار / Ahu Dalli Sar (Sayed Darwish and lyrics by Badih Khairi)   3:51
13. يا محلا ليالي الهوي / Ya Mahla Layalil Hawa (Rahbani Brothers)   3:34
14. حبيتك تانسيت النوم / Habaytak Ta Nsit Elnaum (Ziad Rahbani and lyrics by Joseph Harb)   5:21
15. تلفن عياش / Talfan Ayyash (Ziad Rahbani)   5:20
16. صباح ومسا / Sabah Wu Masa (Ziad Rahbani)   4:11
17. نسم علينا / Nassam Alayna (Blowing On Us) (Rahbani Brothers)   4:53


Fairuz - voice
Nika Babaian* - conductor
Nidal Abou Samra - tenor sax
Armen Hyusnunts* - tenor sax
Aram Khachatryan* - trombone
Omar Papikyan* - trombone
Hayk Hovakimyan* - trumpet
Sacha Bourguignon* - trumpet
Yuri Balyan* - trumpet
Hayk Tovmasyan* - clarinet
Vyacheslav Manucharyan* - clarinet
Mikayel Ghahramanyan* - flute
Suren Amirkhanyan* - flute
Aida Nalbandyan* - viola
Karen Yeritsyan* - viola
Lusik Arakelyan* - viola
Samvel Vardanyan* - viola
Tony Khalife* - violin
Anna Melik-Vrtanesyan* - violin
Arakel Mikaelyan* - violin
Arev Avanesyan* - violin
Artashes Mkrtchyan* - violin
Georgi Ter-Sargsyan* - violin
Hambardzum Ter-Hovhannisyan* - violin
Hrachik Hakopyan* - violin
Karine Rostombekyan* - violin
Margarita Meliksetyan* - violin
Martin Yavryan* - violin
Ruben Asatryan* - violin
Tsolak Vardazaryan* - violin
Varsenik Sargsyan* - violin
Yepraksya Mikaelyan* - violin
Anahit Melkonyan* - cello
Armen Danielyan* - cello
Paruyr Shahazizyan* - cello
Walid Nasser* - tabla
Ali Khatib* - tambourine [oriental tambourine]

Ziad Rahbani - piano, arrangements and production
Munir Khawli - guitar
Hanady Tutunji - piccolo flute
Bassam Saba - ney, flute and oud
Abboud El Saadi - electric bass
Frans Van Der Hoeven - double bass
Arno Van Nieuwenhuize - drums
Bassel Daoud - instruments [jumbush]
Iman Homsi - Kanun
Zorro Youssef - bouzouki
Fouad Afra - percussion and congas

Marie-Therese Bou Chakra - backing vocals [female]
Jawhara Elias - backing vocals [female]
Rosie Yazigy - backing vocals [female]
Simona ?aw - backing vocals [female]
Afaf Elias - backing vocals [female]
Nicole Shuweri - backing vocals [female]
Antoine Khoury - backing vocals [male]
Ghazaros Antounian - backing vocals [male]
Habib Bassil - backing vocals [male]
Hassan Mroue - backing vocals [male]
Marcel Abou Chakra - backing vocals [male]
Patrick Alpha - backing vocals [male]
Selim Laham - backing vocals [male]
Bergis Saliba - backing vocals [male]

* Armenian Orchestra

sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2014




Caros amigos, todas as postagens do blog foram revisadas, os links de discos e player de música estão funcionando.


Dear friends, all blog posts have been revised, links of albuns and music player are working. 
