Grandes solistas da música instrumental brasileira - Parte 2 / Great solists of brazilian instrumental music - Part 2
[Português] No dia 27 de agosto de 2013 foi publicado aqui no blog artigo intitulado Grandes solistas da musica instrumental brasileira, Parte 1. Agora, em continuidade ao assunto proposto segue a Parte 2 com mais quatro excelentes discos produzidos no Brasil entre os anos de 1984 e 1999. Nesta seleção discográfica são destaques Paulo Moura, Zé da Velha, Hermeto Pascoal e Grupo, Leny Andrade, Altamiro Carrilho, Gilson Peranzzetta, Sebastião Tapajós e Maurício Einhor.
[English] On August 27, 2013 was published on the blog article titled Great soloists of Brazilian instrumental music, Part 1. Now, in continuity the proposed issue follows the Part 2 with four excellent Brazilian discs produced between the years 1984 and 1999. On this selection are featured Paulo Moura, Zé da Velha, Hermeto Pascoal and Group, Leny Andrade, Altamiro Carrilho, Gilson Peranzzetta, Sebastião Tapajós and Mauricio Einhor.
Ver artigo anterior Aqui / See previous article Here
Paulo Moura & Zé da Velha

[E] Paulo Moura, saxophonist and clarinetist natural from São José do Rio Preto city, throughout his musical life has always been very attached to choro and Samba de gafieira styles which has shaped an instrumental success career. In this wonderful album, accompanied by a fantastic team of musicians, including Zé da Velha, Jorge Degas and Marilú Moreno, show an instrumental and vocal work with great versatility on historical compositions in Brazilian music, such as Ao Velho Pedro (sample below) and Alma Brasileira among others. On this record, highlight is the two great soloists Paulo Moura on sax and Zé da Velha on trombone, double that performs beautiful musical compositions with strong dialogues in Brazilian swing.

[E] Hermeto Pascoal, born in Lagoa da Canoa, Alagoas State and residing many years in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most prestigious musicians within the music Brazilian instrumental, a major solo artist with immense power of interpretation, with a unique style in the compositions and arrangements, has a talent to play various musical instruments such as keyboards, saxophones, flutes, accordion, melodica, soprano sax, guitar, trumpet, and various percussion instruments and sound. In the rich discography of Hermeto, each work reveals new sound possibilities inside the Brazilian cultural universe. Its improvisations can be presented with the variety of instruments, but has the preference of expression mainly piano/keyboard, accordion, melodica, soprano saxophone and flute. In the evolution of his work is very important to highlight the "Group" from Hermeto Pascoal, a formation that has been maintained for many years, with some natural changes, but in common artists like Hermeto, great expression and improvisational skills such as Carlos Malta, Jovino Santos Neto, Itiberê Zwarg, Marcio Bahia, Pernambuco and others. The theme chosen for the sample below is "Frevo em Maceio" where all the musicians of the Group make small and beautiful improvisations.
[P] Leny Andrade – 1989 - Luz Neon. A cantora Leny Andrade, natural do Rio de Janeiro, teve seu primeiro disco lançado em 1961. Luz Neon clássico disco de Leny, foi o 14° da cantora, lançado na década de 80 período em que Leny gravou vários discos de samba-jazz quando dividia-se entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos. Neste disco vem acompanhada pela sua banda de costume com João Carlos Coutinho ao piano, Heber Calura no baixo e Adriano de Oliveira na bateria, com a participação especial de Paulinho Trompete no trompete. A voz potente e afinada, a ousadia em excelentes vocalizações e improvisos rendem a ela uma justa colocação entre as melhores cantoras de jazz do Brasil, e há quem diga a melhor. O sample escolhido para demostrar a qualidade da cantora é um solo vocal no clássico tema de jazz "Night in Tunisia" de Dizzy Gilespie.

[P] Altamiro Carrilho, Gilson Peranzzetta, Maurício Einhorn e Sebastião Tapajós - 1999 - Encontro de Solistas. Encontro de solistas é um maravilhoso disco resultado do encontro de quatro mestres da música brasileira, aritistas de longas carreiras de sucesso, como o gaitista de boca Maurício Einhor, o violonista Sebastião Tapajós, o pianista Gilson Peranzzetta e o flautista Altamiro Carrilho. Destacar alguma música deste disco é uma tarefa muito difícil e, diria ainda, impossível considerando as interpretações primorosas, tanto em quarteto, trio, duo ou solos. O sample abaixo apresenta partes de algumas das quatorze músicas presentes no disco.
Leny Andrade

[E] The singer Leny Andrade, a native of Rio de Janeiro, had their first album released in 1961. "Luz Neon" classic album of Leny was the 14th of the singer, released in the 80s period when Leny recorded several albums of jazz-samba when divided between Brazil and the United States. This disc is accompanied by his usual band with João Carlos Coutinho piano, Heber Calura on bass and Adriano de Oliveira on drums, with special guest of Paulinho do Trumpete on trumpet. The power and refined, daring voice in excellent vocalizations and improvisations render her a proper place among best jazz singers in Brazil, and some say the best. he sample chosen to demonstrate the quality of the singer is a vocal solo in the classic jazz theme "Night in Tunisia" to Dizzy Gilespie.
Maurício Einhorn, Sebastião Tapajós, Gilson Peranzzetta & Altamiro Carrilho

[E] Encontro de Solistas (Meeting of soloists) is a wonderful album result of the meeting of four masters of Brazilian music, aritists with long successful careers, as the harmonica player Maurício Einhor, guitarist Sebastião Tapajós, pianist Gilson Peranzzetta and flutist Altamiro Carrilho. Highlight some music on this album is a very difficult task and, who knows, impossible considering the beautifully interpretations throughout the album, both in quartet, trio, duo or solo. The sample below presents parts of some from fourteen songs recorded.
Paulo Moura - Link 1: Mega
Leny Andrade - Link 1: Mediafire
Encontro de Solistas - Link 1: Mega